Pick & Eat figs, the ultimate pleasure. Want to join us?

Do you remember that in the middle of last June I sent you a message that the fig trees were bearing the early fruits on the experimental farm of Son Mut Nou?

Well... now the 3000 fig trees are already overflowing. Sweet generosity of nature, helped by Montserrat Pons, the architect of the project.

Don't miss the opportunity to go to Son Mut this August.

Since Martha and I are leaving for Greece on the 15th and we want to celebrate, we would like to enjoy pa amb oli, cheese and figs with friends.

This coming Tuesday, the 10th, we will go to Son Mut Nou from 19:00 until dusk, around 21:30

To help the Son Mut Nou project, we will weigh and pay our harvest. My plan is to harvest different kinds of figs to make jam, to eat at home and to freeze to make sorbet. We can also support the Son Mut Nou initiative by buying various fig products that they make (the list is long ... fig wine, fig 'coffee', figat, different kinds of dry figs...)

After harvesting, those of us with time and will can sit under the olive trees and eat pa amb oli or whatever we want to share.

We can do a contest to designate the best bread, the most aromatic oil, the sweetest tomatoes, the finest capers with salt, the stronger tapenade...

For that event we must bring everything (plates, cutlery, cups, drink, ice cream. ..) You know, single use plastic is strictly forbidden!

If all goes well, at 20:30, Montserrat will give us an explanation of the project and answer our questions.
At dusk, we will leave for home.

If you can sign up on the 10th, we will be happy to walk with you among the fig trees.

Confirm privately if you want to come pick or to pick+dine. Covid rules...

In any case, if you can't… consider doing it one day with your friends… arrange a visit with Montserrat, who if you wish, and with sufficient advance notice, can arrange a pa amb oli for you.

The figs are delicious, the project is a unique initiative on the planet and and sitting down to share food while watching the sunset in Son Mut is a marvel.

Celebrating abundance, celebrating the planet… warm hugs from Martha and Toni


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