
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: juliol, 2020

since 2018, going on with Fundació Marilles and Ocean Observer's Hybo39

Many friends look for an update about what I'm doing now, and frankly it is a frenzy exciting time... I resume what's going on in a few lines and links. You can check  in  my 'marine filtered' CV  some of my 'historical' background related to environmental consultancy works and activism to foster a better marine environment  In 2012 I was contracted by SUNCE/WWF Med to do a survey about how to  organize and develop sustainable nautical tourism in the National Park of Lastovo in Croatia in the basis of the lessons learnt in the Cabrera National Park (protecting the posidonia seabeds deploying mooring systems through planning based on boat counting and managing of the demand) In 2017 the Fundació Marilles started an ambitious project with the goal of improve the quality of the environmental marine management in the Balearic Islands, my homeland.  These are the objectives of Marilles , the 2019 English Annual Report and the 2020 Annual re